Important Back to School Information

Tuesday, July 30th

Dear Premier Arts Academy Families,
Welcome to the new school year! As the Head of School at Premier Arts Academy, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all our returning families and to those joining us for the first time. We are excited to embark on another year of learning, growth, and creativity together.
We encourage you to thoroughly review our Family Handbook for the 24-25 school year as it highlights important procedures everyone should know.  There are some changes, so even returning families should read the whole handbook! Following are a few important highlights!

Link to updated 2024-25 Family Handbook

Important Information for the New School Year:

First Day of School:
Our first day of school is August 15. Classes will begin promptly at 7:50am (6-7th grades) and 8:00am (K-5th grades). Please ensure that your child arrives on time and is ready to start the day. Kindergarten students will begin their PAA career with 2 half days to ease them into the school year.  Pick up will be at noon.  Follow the same pick-up procedures that are outlined in the Family Handbook.  
School Hours and Schedule:
School hours are from 8am-2:30pm (K-5th) and 7:50am-3:00pm (6th-7th). A detailed schedule is in the Family Handbook. 
*NOTE: Families that have both an elementary and middle school student may be wondering how to avoid 2 different pick up times. Younger siblings of middle school students will be walked to the annex and supervised until middle school dismissal. You may pick both children up in the north parking lot at 3pm.
Health and Safety Protocols:
The health and safety of our students and staff remain our top priority. We continue to follow all recommended guidelines to ensure a safe learning environment. Please review our updated health and safety protocols in the Family Handbook.
Communication and Parent Involvement:
We value open communication and encourage all families to stay connected with the school. Our main channels of communication include our school website, emails, text messages, our school app, and newsletters. Please make sure your contact information is up to date to receive important announcements and updates. We also invite you to participate in our Booster Club and volunteer opportunities throughout the year. The first Booster Club meeting of the 24-25 school year is on Monday, August 12th at 5:30pm at the Downtown Main Elkhart Public Library. Keep an eye on the PAA Parents Facebook Page and your email for volunteer opportunities!
Back to School BBQ:
Please mark your calendars for our upcoming Back-to-School BBQ on August 13th, 5-7pm where you will have the opportunity to meet your child's teachers (class lists will be available that evening), drop off school supplies, drop off medications,  pick up uniform items, and learn more about the exciting year ahead. We will also do a ribbon cutting at our new middle school annex building. 
The Booster Club will be hosting a uniform shirt and jazz shoe exchange as well.  Bring unstained uniform shirts and jazz shoes that no longer fit your child. Turn them in at the appropriate sized table to claim tickets. Then you can turn those tickets in for your child’s new sized shirt. We can’t guarantee it will work perfectly, but we hope it can help some families get some of the uniform pieces they need.  Please bring chairs or a picnic blanket to sit on while eating. We look forward to seeing you there! 
School Supplies and Uniforms:
A list of required school supplies and information on our school uniform policy can be found on our website and here: Link to Supply Lists Please ensure your child is prepared with the necessary materials and is in compliance with the dress code. New this year: Wear What You Want Wednesdays! See handbook for details!
Bring Your Own Shirt Print Event at Alphagraphics begins this week: July 29-August 2, 1:00-6:00pm.
You may supply your own shirts to have the PAA logo printed on them for just $6. See details below:
• Limit 10 items per student
• 50%+ Cotton material best
• New/Clean Apparel Only
• No Zippers or Buttons
• $6.00 per item (Cash only)
• Pick up items at Back to School BBQ (Aug. 13th)
Would you like to get uniform pieces embroidered instead? Drop off clothing items to the PAA front office and Lifeline will embroider the PAA logo on them.  Deadline to drop off garments is August 15th. Shirts will be delivered after Labor Day.  
Transportation and Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures:
Detailed information about transportation options and our drop-off/pick-up procedures are now updated in the Family handbook. Please review these procedures to ensure a smooth and safe start to the day. As always, be patient and follow staff directions when dropping off and picking up to ensure everyone’s safety!
Before Care/ After Care: There are a few changes to Before and After Care this year. We are using a new invoicing system called ProCare. We will send a separate communication soon to register your child for Before Care, Kindy After Care, and/or Friday After Care.  All other After Care services are provided by our building partner, Lifeline Youth Ministries. You can click this link to sign up your kids for Lifeline’s program.
Although Lifeline doesn’t start until after Labor Day, we are filling the gap until then beginning August 19. You can register your child for AfterCare with PAA for the 2 weeks until Lifeline begins.  It will cost $5/child per day.
New this year: Parents must walk their child into Before Care and sign them in on the iPad provided. They will need to follow the same check-out procedure when they pick up their child from After Care.  A $1 per minute late fee will apply for pickups after the scheduled end time. Our staff members are parents themselves and have to get their own children to extracurricular activities; please respect their time. Families who are habitually late (5+ times in a one month period) will be denied access to AfterCare services.
School Breakfast and Lunch:
Premier Arts Academy will be preparing our own meals for students who choose a school breakfast or lunch in the 24-25 school year. Our Director of Food Service, Stephanie Slagel, has many years of experience in the food service industry and we have great confidence in her abilities to provide nutritious and delicious meals for our students. Meal costs will remain the same as last year. Eligible students will still receive free and reduced lunch. Free/Reduced lunch forms will be included in the Back to School Mailing or can be picked up in the school office between 7:30am-3:30pm beginning August 1st. Please return those forms to the school office ASAP. Back to School BBQ is a great time to do that! Information about how to sign up for LINQ, our online lunch payment system, is linked below.
If you haven’t signed up for LINQ Connect to add money to your account, please click the link below. Be sure to change the district/school if you’ve used this app with a previous school district. You can also fill out the Free/Reduced Lunch application on this app as well. 
Allergies: It's crucial to communicate any food allergies to the school's food services before the new school year begins. If your child had an allergy registered last year and there have been no changes, rest assured that their information is still in our system. However, it's always a good idea to confirm and update any necessary details to ensure the safety and well-being of all students. Please reach out to the school if you have any questions or need to provide additional information.
Powerschool: Please sign into Powerschool to update contact information. Your Powerschool login info is included in the Back to School Mailing.

As we begin this new school year, our dedicated team of educators is committed to creating a nurturing and stimulating environment where every student can thrive. We are excited to explore new ideas, celebrate achievements, and support each student on their educational journey.
Thank you for being a vital part of our school community. Your involvement and support are invaluable to our success. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office between 7:30am-3:30pm beginning August 1st. 574-971-2787 
Here’s to a wonderful year ahead at Premier Arts Academy! 
Have a great PAA DAY!
Ashley Molyneaux
Head of School
Premier Arts Academy