First Booster Club Meeting Tonight

Premier Arts Academy Booster Club Kick Off Meeting 2024-25 School Year
Monday, August 12th: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Downtown Main Elkhart Public Library (downstairs meeting room) 

We hold the meetings here since this is a kid friendly building, if you need to bring your student. Come early and get some books! 

• Welcome and Introductions 
• Review of Booster Club Highlights of Last Year and Goals for This Year (Stephanie)
• Presentation of Budget and Financial Goals (Alex and Jen)
• Review of Current Booster Calendar (Jen or Steph) 
• Review of Booster Club Structure- Executive Committee/Chairs/Committees 
• Update from Fundraising Committee (Sara)
• Update from Room Parent (Kristen) 
• Discussion of Open Chair Positions and Committees including overview what Community Expo is
• Brainstorming Session for New Ideas and Initiatives 
• Closing Remarks -Next Meeting Monday, September 9th 

Meeting ID: 864 0930 3076
Passcode: 7qmvWZ