Sign Up to be a Room Parent

Premier Arts Academy would love for every classroom to have 1-2 room parent volunteers. Your involvement as a Room Parent will not only enrich the lives of our students but also provide you with an opportunity to actively engage in your child's educational journey. It is a fulfilling role that allows you to contribute your time, talents, and ideas to make a positive impact on our school community. As a Room Parent, you will play a crucial role in facilitating communication and collaboration between teachers, parents, and the school administration. Your active participation will contribute to building a strong partnership and enhance the overall educational experience of our students. 


Job Description:

Classroom Support: 
  • Assist the teacher in organizing and coordinating classroom activities, special projects, and events.
  • Help recruit and coordinate volunteers for classroom activities, field trips, and school-wide events.
  • Coordinate parent volunteers for special projects, such as creating classroom displays, organizing classroom parties, or providing support during performances.
Fundraising Support:
  • Collaborate with the school's fundraising initiatives by promoting and coordinating fundraising events within the classroom or grade level.
  • Assist in collecting and tracking funds, if necessary, and provide support in distributing fundraising materials.
Classroom Enhancement:
  • Collaborate with the teacher to identify and implement ways to enhance the learning environment, such as organizing classroom library resources, assisting with classroom decoration, or sourcing materials for special projects.

If you have any questions regarding the role, reach out to Room Parent Booster Chair, Kristen Widmeyer via email at [email protected]To sign up, use the form below.

Thank you for considering this important role at Premier Arts Academy. Together, we can create an exceptional educational experience for our students and build a vibrant community of learners.